For many, this global pandemic and quarantine has redefined what “work” and “office” truly mean. Whether you were already used to working from home or reluctantly carving out a zone on your dining room table, there’s still an opportunity to embrace the tidy desks movement.

As a KonMari® Consultant, I work from home, in-homes, and in the community. I’m an extension of a home office that I honor. I keep it tidy to support speaking and media engagements, administrative tasks, and virtual organizing clients.

When opportunities to freely gather disappeared and Zoom calls ramped up, I decided to make Studio Tidy more quarantine friendly:
- I updated my vision board, calendars, and journals to realistic goals I can accomplish before the end of the year
- I packed away and temporarily relocated items used for postponed in-person events, and
- I refined my “backdrop bookshelf” to be video call friendly.

I also read Marie Kondo’s latest, Joy at Work, and reviewed her book on Spark Joy podcast Episode 128.
To extend the conversation, co-author Scott Sonenshein joined us on Spark Joy Episode 134 to explore the importance of work/life productivity and organization.
But, there’s more!
I was curious about how other certified KonMari® Consultants were fairing at home during this challenging time for small businesses and the clients we support.
They answered the call!
Introducing the real tidy desks of KonMari® Consultants around the world and tips that can help you get organized once and for all:
Devin VonderHaar | The Modern Minimalist | Portland, OR
“We’re much more likely to achieve a goal when there’s a visual attached, so I love creating a mini vision board above my desk to keep me motivated, joyful, and intentional.”
Libby Lintel | My Restful of Nest | Atlanta, GA
“My office is my power spot! It is filled with orchids, kantha fabrics, candles, travel photos, gentle aromas, and HUE colored lights; a joyful place to work.”
Sue Spencer | A Life More Organised | Winchester, Hampshire, UK
“Think about what you access or use regularly and store these things close to hand, everything else can be categorised and put away in magazine files. Keep stationery, staplers, etc. together in an attractive box or wicker basket rather than scattered around the room.”
Karine Paulon | à jour | Zürich, Switzerland
“Try to keep your desk clear and joyful to focus on what is really important to you.”
Laura Sinclair | Flourish Organizing | Houston, TX
“Since I love working at a clear desk, I’ve set up my ‘office’ in the closet so that I can close the doors!”
Megan Spillman | Peace and Tidy | Chicago, IL
“Joy in this space comes from lighting, view, color and a little plant in the window.”
Karen Morales Cabello | Pink Moca | San Antonio, TX
“I allow myself at least two power hours per day, to get my stuff done without interruptions (no kids, no husband, no cell phone, no visual distractions).”
Kelley Jonkoff | Organized with Kelley | Raleigh, NC
“Two things are a must for me in a workspace: natural light and not facing a wall. So, I maximized both by placing my standing desk against the window!”
Sarit Sela | Minimalist Me | Stockholm, Sweden
“Surround yourself only with the necessary things and and keep the desk neat.”
What aspects of your home office do you love these days?
Share in the comments or tag @fortheloveoftidy on Facebook or Instagram.
Invest in your own tidy desk transformation…
If you’re feeling a little too close to your clutter for comfort…
…buried under stuff in your home office or craft space…
…trying to carve out dedicated space for work or home school in your basement or on your dining room table….
…or maybe you’ve noticed just how much time you’re wasting looking for important papers and emails instead of shifting your time, energy, and resources towards the things that truly matter.
My #1 priority is to get as many people as possible clutter free and prepared for the other side of this unique season.
If you’re regularly asking yourself …“where should I put this?,” “am I letting go of enough?,” or “am I even doing this right?,” as you Konmari®, a customized virtual tidying experience may be the perfect next step for you.
I’m continuing to offer virtual KonMari® active tidying lessons including a Tidy Desk special perfect for those working or learning from home.
I’m ready to help you dig out and choose joy once and for all.
[…] Featured in Studio Tidy […]