If you’re reading this, you’ve booked a KonMari Virtual Tidy or you’re considering investing in change, rather than more “stuff!” Either way, I imagine you’re wondering what to expect. So let’s navigate a typical session from A-Z:
Prior to your appointment, make sure you complete your Client Profile.
Pre-tidying isn’t required. Your KonMari® Consultant will meet you wherever you are along your journey.
It’s highly recommend that you purchase a copy of The Tidy Home Joy Journal prior to your Virtual Tidy. Similar to an in-home KonMari® Tidying Lesson, much of what we discuss will tie back to this tool.

Logging On
Your Virtual Tidy will take place via Zoom video call. Access to a reliable internet connection and camera via a laptop or phone is mandatory. Make sure to fully charge all devices prior to the call.
Make sure to download the Zoom app in advance and test audio/video if necessary.
Introduction & Vision Map

Before conquering the clutter, we start with a conversation. First, your consultant will review your Client Profile to understand the scope of your project.
Next, you’ll be asked to share and/or review your current challenges and envision your ideal lifestyle and living environment. You’ll note your responses thoughts and reflections in The Tidy Home Joy Journal. Your ideal lifestyle and living environment provides a foundation for all decision making moving forward, therefore, it is important to complete this step first.
Virtual Tour

Next, your consultant will get to know your home through a guided virtual tour. Via your phone or laptop you’ll show wide views of a room(s) or category that is most challenging.
A Tidy Action Plan

Your consultant will map out dates that align with your availability to tidy in the form of a plan of action. Recommendations for future virtual or in-person lessons will be discussed at that time.
Joyful Decision Making

Depending on your tidying starting point, your consultant will lead you through active decision making to help you answer the question “does it spark joy?,” a KonMari® principle.
If the answer is “yes,” you will keep the item with confidence. If the answer is “no” you will discard, donate or sell the item with a “thank you.” Showing your appreciation for the item will ensure it returns to you in a new form, as positive energy or a new opportunity.
Your tidying consultant will encourage you and keep you motivated, while keeping the larger plan in mind. When there is a moment of hesitation your consultant will step in and ask additional guiding questions to aid your decision making. Your consultant will also ensure you are operating in alignment with the person you are becoming, established in the introductory vision conversation.
The beauty of the KonMari Method® is that the decision to keep/discard is always up to you. Tidying is a hands-on process that requires physically touching each item in your home. Please note, it takes energy to be present. Piling, sorting, and storing items requires some physical exertion and making decisions or managing your emotions requires mental stamina.
Storage & Design
Custom storage and design alternatives will be recommended throughout the Virtual Tidy.
Wrap Up & Log Off
Your consultant will answer your burning tidying questions and summarize your progress, goals, and next steps. Within 24 hours you’ll receive notes, resources, next steps and a recording of your video for your reference.
It’s time to dig out and choose joy.
Are you ready to redefine what “enough” means for you? Instantly book your Virtual Tidy!