Use Hikidashi Boxes to Live KonMari at Home

July 23, 2018

Did you recently purchase your KonMari® Hikidashi Boxes as a starter kit for tidying? Not sure where to start? Check out these five KonMari® Master Consultant approved ways to give your home a tidy style upgrade and deepen your relationship with the KonMari Method®.

Can’t wait to jumpstart your tidying journey? Sign-up for a complementary clutter call to discuss your specific tidying challenges with For the Love of Tidy.

Use a Hikidashi Box lid as a tray for guest bathroom items

Hikidashi your hospitality by welcoming guests into your home with a special touch of joy. Store items upright and on edge to maximize space and access. This box showcases the “Clarity” print, designed to help you identify what matters the most to you, and give it a special home.

Hikidashi boxes how to KonMari
Photography by: Martine Severin Photography

Use a large Hikidashi Box to store sentimental items with honor and gratitude on an open shelf

Hikidashi your letter writing experience by honoring cherished sentimental items in one enclosed box. Store greeting cards, stationary, photos, and journals upright and on edge for easy access and less tension.

Hikidashi boxes how to KonMari
Hikidashi boxes how to KonMari
Hikidashi boxes how to KonMari

Use a Hikidashi Box lid as a mini-drawer to tidy office miscellaneous items

Hikidashi your office by creating a mini drawer that maximizes your storage space with style. Help your “junk” drawers shed their adjective by keeping like-items together for easy access.

Hikidashi boxes how to KonMari
Hikidashi boxes how to KonMari
Hikidashi boxes KonMari how to

Use the Hikidashi notes to leave reminders to spark joy around your home

Hikidashi your home and lifestyle with special joyful reminders. Use this inspiring set of notes that arrive with each set to trickle KonMari® throughout your space while supporting the vision of your ideal living environment.

Make your life shine.
Vision board

Reuse existing boxes to nest inside a Hikidashi Box or drawer to compartmentalize items that spark joy

Hikidashi your drawers by incorporating other reusable boxes made available during your tidying event to create multiple bento box inspired compartments. For example, one Hikidashi box in the the middle of a drawer can create up to three separate spaces for your spark joy items.

Hikidashi boxes how to KonMari
Hikidashi boxes how to KonMari

Can’t wait for your Hikidashi Box’s arrival? Here’s what you can do now to get started:

  1. Take The Tidy Pledge to commit to changing your life by surrounding yourself with only the things that spark joy.
  2. Read Marie Kondo’s bestseller The Life-changing Magic of Tidying Up or watch Tidying Up with Marie Kondo on Netflix for inspiration.
  3. Listen to Spark Joy Podcast for a refresher on KonMari Method® fundamentals and lifestyle

Can’t wait to jumpstart your tidying journey?

Sign-up for a complementary clutter call to discuss your specific tidying challenges with For the Love of Tidy.

Girl at laptop desk

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