Benefits associated with tidying up KonMari® style extend well beyond reducing the amount of time it takes for you to start your work day. Therefore, if we dig a bit deeper, there’s a reason the KonMari Method® is cloaked in “life-changing magic.” Tidying your home impacts every aspect of your life and how you prioritize your time and energy. Likewise, once you’ve handled the external clutter, the process often uncovers other habits that need attention. So the next time you view tidying as a non-mission critical activity, turn to The Tidy Wheel of Impact to ground your thoughts:

The Tidy Wheel of Impact on TikTok
Use the image above to create a 10 minute revolving vision board at the top of the year or your tidying journey.
Confronting an influx of stuff in your home that lacks joy or is unnecessary results in more conscious shopping/spending patterns and investment in fewer, better things moving forward.
Examples of how tidying can impact your finances:
- You invest in a new experience rather than accumulating more objects
- You return or sell items that do not spark joy in exchange for cash
Engaging all of the items in your home refreshes the air and promotes better cleaning, fitness and eating habits.
Examples of how tidying can impact your health:
- You seamlessly clean your home, including counter tops and work surfaces that are clutter free
- You efficiently prepare for workouts by creating a space that honors your workout attire or equipment
Addressing abandoned projects or unfinished business helps you uncover what you really want to do and who you really want to be.
Examples of how tidying can impact your career:
- You discover books or papers that support a new business direction that sparks more joy
- You are inspired to declutter your office and are more productive at work
Clearing the clutter helps you use your free time more intentionally in a space that nurtures and respects your passions and invites creativity.
Examples of how tidying can impact your hobbies:
- You turn a hobby into a career
- You have a clutter free work space dedicated to working on family art projects
Putting your past in order makes space for those who matter now and helps you attract new connections that support the person you are becoming.
Examples of how tidying can impact your relationships:
- You have more time to spend with those who matter in an environment that’s comfortable and inspiring
- You’re living in a space that reflects the person you’re becoming and you’ve made room for dating, working and building relationships/connections
Donating gently used items to charity points your attention towards contributing to society and the world.
Examples of how tidying can impact your community:
- You contribute to the greater good and are inspired to volunteer your time to serve your favorite local charity
- You share your tidying testimony with a friend who is experiencing similar challenges
Evaluating, respecting, and honoring the objects in your life leads to an enhanced understanding of your values and beliefs.
Examples of how tidying can impact your spirituality:
- You understand your larger purpose
- You are present and mindful whether you’re folding your socks or spending time with your family and friends
How has KonMari® impacted your life?
Which areas of your life need a bit more joy? Explore this further in The Tidy Home Joy Journal – your #1 tidying companion. The first chapter is dedicated to visualizing your best home and life.

Share your thoughts below and take The Tidy Pledge to sign-up to receive bi-monthly tidy tips for your home, mind, and life.
I love what you are doing! I’d love to connect again to discuss more collaborations
Sure thing! Let’s catch up this week.
Brilliantly written Kristyn! So inspiring and so true!
Thank you Christina!
I love this post Kristyn! I shared it on my page also!
Awesome! Thanks Carmen!